Edenbridge Primary

Year 4

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Year 4






Welcome to year 4!

A very warm welcome to Year 4’s webpage! We are really looking forward to the year ahead and all the fantastic learning we have planned. 

If you have any questions, concerns or queries do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Manhattan – Miss T Blair, Class Teacher and Mrs L King, Teaching Assistant 

Lions Gate – Miss L Kenton, Class Teacher and Mrs L King, Teaching Assistant

Key Information

  • Gates open at 8:30am, doors open at 8:40am and all children need to be in their classrooms for 8:45am ready for their first lesson to begin. End of the day collection is 3:15pm for all children.
  • Please can your child bring a named water bottle into school every day and you can bring in book bags / rucksacks. 
  • PE for Manhattan is every Tuesday and Wednesday (swimming).
  • PE for Lions Gate is every Tuesday and Wednesday (swimming).
  • A homework menu is set at the beginning of each half term. We ask children to select a piece of homework to each week and return the book every Tuesday for marking and feedback. Books will be returned on Thursday. 
  • Reading records need to be completed at least three times a week. However, we would like you to try to read daily for 10 minutes.

Year 4 Curriculum

This term our topic is Land, Sea and Sky. 

We will be sharing the children’s fantastic work on X and Class Dojo please keep an eye out for regular updates.  

Please find below our topic web which shows all of our learning for this half term.

Edenbridge Primary School Logo

Year 4 Topic Letter Autumn 1

Edenbridge Primary School Logo

Year 4 Topic Letter Autumn 2

Edenbridge Primary School Logo

Year 4 Topic Letter Spring 1