Edenbridge Primary


Home | Year Groups | Reception







Welcome to Reception!

A very warm welcome to Reception’s webpage. We are really looking forward to the year ahead and all the fantastic learning we have planned. 

If you have any questions, concerns or queries do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Westminster – Miss H Wickens, Class Teacher and Miss S Kirby, Teaching Assistant 

Tower – Miss L Reeves Class Teacher and Mrs T Ward, Teaching Assistant

Key Information 

  • Gates open at 8:30am, doors open at 8:40am and all children need to be in their classrooms for 8:45am ready for the start of the day. End of the day collection is 3:15pm for all children.
  • Please can your child bring a named water bottle into school every day and you can bring in book bags / rucksacks.


Reception Curriculum

We are housed in a separate building, enjoying bright and stimulating classrooms surrounded by the school playing fields.

During Reception, we follow the foundation stage curriculum, working towards the Early Learning Goals.  A carefully balanced timetable ensures that key skills are introduced whilst the environment is designed to foster independent learning.  Children are free to explore new ideas and develop skills according to their own interests and motivations.

Throughout the year, the children become familiar with school routines and appropriate learning behaviour.  This prepares them for a successful transition into Year One.

We will be sharing the children’s fantastic work on X and Class Dojo please keep an eye out for regular updates.  

Please find below our topic web which shows all of our learning for this half term.


Edenbridge Primary School Logo

Reception Topic Letter Autumn 1

Edenbridge Primary School Logo

Reception Topic Letter Autumn 2

Edenbridge Primary School Logo

Reception Topic Letter Spring 1