Edenbridge Primary

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Times of School Day

Times of School Day







8:30      School gates open

8:40      Doors open and children make their way to class

8:45      Registration – Children to be in their classroom

11:45    Lunch – Reception

12:00    Lunch – Key Stage 1 (KS1), (years 1-2)

12:10    Lunch – Key Stage 2 (KS2), (years 3-6)

12:45    Registration – Reception

1:00      Registration – KS1, (years 1-2)

1:10      Registration – KS2, (years 3-6)

3:15      End of day for all

The school day starts at 8:45 am

  • Reception classes enter their classrooms from the top of the ramp, which is to the right when entering through the double gates
  • Years 1 and 2 enter their classrooms through the KS1 doors, which are to the right when entering through the double gates (please see map on page 14).
  • Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 enter their classrooms through the KS2 doors, ahead when entering the double gates (please see map on page 14).


Children from Reception up to and including Year 5 (up to the beginning of the summer term for Year 5 students) must be escorted to the playground by an adult every morning. They should be supervised until they enter the school building and should not be left alone after being dropped off in the playground.

The school doors open from 8:40 am and close promptly at 8: 45 am. Except for reception, children should go straight to their lockers, hang up their belongings, and enter the classroom where early morning work is waiting for them.

Please ensure your child dismounts their bike or scooter once they enter the site, to help keep everyone, including younger siblings of our pupils, safe.


If your child is late, please accompany them to the main entrance and sign them in, giving a reason for the late arrival. 


During the morning break, children in reception and KS1 are given a piece of fruit or vegetable provided by a government scheme. Children in KS2 are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit, vegetable or a healthy snack. No sweets, chocolate, or crisps are allowed at break times.

Children are encouraged to bring in a refillable water bottle, filled with water only, and to keep this topped up throughout the day.

Reception children, who are under the age of 5, are provided with a free carton of milk each day to have during break time. Once children have reached their 5th birthday, parents may purchase milk via the provider ‘cool milk’. If your child is eligible for free school meals, you can request free milk for them by emailing the school office. If you have any questions, please contact us.


The school day ends at 3:15 pm

  • Reception is dismissed from their classroom doors.
  • Years 1 and 2 are dismissed through the KS1 doors, to the right when entering through the double gates.
  • Years 3, 4, and 5 are dismissed through the KS2 doors, ahead when entering the double gates.
  • Year 6 are dismissed from under the large tree at the front of the school by the office.

Please stand back to let both teachers and children get a clear view of waiting parents. The children will not be released unless the adult collecting the child has been identified. If you have arranged for another person to collect your child, please phone the school office by 2:45pm on the day to let us know.

We will then send a message to class.

Our school policy states only Year 6 students are allowed to walk to and from school on their own all year. For pupils in Year 5, this privilege is restricted to the summer term only (April-July). Pupils will be permitted to walk home alone once we have received written permission from a parent (via email or ClassDojo). If your child is being collected, we will only release pupils to named adults or older siblings aged 14 or above.

Please call the school office if you are going to be late for collection, your child will be taken to the school office where you will need to sign them out.

The end of the day is the best time to talk to your child’s teacher, should you wish to do so. Staff are always happy to discuss any worries you may have. Please wait until all children have been dismissed before approaching.


The compulsory timings of the school week are 32.5 hours.