Edenbridge Primary


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Punctuality and Attendance

Children achieve their best when they are in school and on time every day.  Obviously, children cannot help being poorly and certainly should not be in school in cases of genuine sickness or if they are contagious.  However, to reward excellent attendance, we celebrate any child whose attendance is 100% in a term by giving them a certificate and a raffle ticket which will go into the draw, for a chance to win a prize, at the end of the academic year.

  • All children should aim to be in school between 8.40am – 8.45am where they can go straight to their classroom to be welcomed by their class teacher.
  • The school bell is rung at 8.45am and any child who arrives after this time, should enter the school via the main front school office.
  • Morning registration ends at 8.50am. If a pupil arrives after this time he/she should be accompanied by the parent to the late desk in the main school office reception. They will be given a late slip to give to the teacher upon arrival in class. Any pupil arriving after 9.30am will become an unauthorised absence and marked as an absentee for the whole of the morning session.
  • The Education Welfare Officer will be informed of persistent latecomers or those children who fall below 96% in attendance.


In line with government policy, Edenbridge Primary School will only authorise holidays during term time in exceptional circumstances.  This must be applied for in advance.  

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Absence from Learning Request Form